Sponsor & Advertise

The Winterset Citizen has a wide following in Winterset and Madison County, with the top post reaching over 16,000 views. People receive it via Facebook, Twitter, various feed readers, and also direct e-mail. New posts are published one or two times per week, and I strive to keep them positive and non-political, focusing on the best of what our area has to offer.

If you are interested in featuring your business or organization in one of the sponsorship ads that appear in the body of the post or along the sides of The Winterset Citizen, please contact me at 515-249-1204 or TheWintersetCitizen@gmail.com. Here are the pricing options and features of each:

Sponsorship Ads: $35/month

  • Featured on the left sidebar of each interior page on the website
  • Featured within each blog post on a rotating basis—this is a new feature designed to make ads more visible to mobil users
  • Sponsors are also named and linked at the end of each post.

Preferred Placement Ads: $48/month

  • These ads are placed prominently throughout each blog post and are static so they are visible at all times
  • They are placed at the bottom of each interior page on the website
  • Sponsors are also named and linked at the end of each post.

Top Row Ads: $72/month

  • Top Row Ads are featured most prominently at the beginning of each post and at the top of all interior pages.
  • The total amount of Top Row Ads will be capped at five.
  • These ads are the first thing seen when the post is viewed on a mobile device.
  • This is an opportunity for top visibility and an investment in the success and continuation of The Winterset Citizen blog.

True for ALL Ads on The Winterset Citizen:

  • Each ad provides a link to your choice of Internet destination (website, Facebook page, email address, etc.)
  • You may submit your own artwork or I can design an ad for you at no extra cost.
  • Ads will be assumed to be ongoing unless you specify that you’d like to run them for specific months (for seasonal businesses, etc).
  • There is no contract, and you can cancel at any time.
  • Sponsors receive the benefit of more frequent mentions in blog posts for events that might not otherwise be newsworthy, such as in-store sales.
  • Advertising fees are invoiced, net 15, at the end of each month for that same month’s advertising. Late payments will result in removal of the ad until invoice is paid.
  • Arrangements can be made if you prefer to pay quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.
  • Payments can be made electronically (credit card, PayPal, account transfer) or by check.






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