The Winterset Citizen, April 23, 2020

Great People doing Great Things

Even though most education professionals were expecting the Governor’s announcement on Friday that schools will be closed for the remainder of the school year, it was still hard news for many in our community; news that elicits a huge variety of emotions. We know that teachers are missing their students and the opportunity to teach them in person, students are missing their teachers, their friends, and even their routines, and parents are forging their way through brand new territory. Instead of dwelling on the sadness and loss, however, the Winterset School District teachers, administrators and staff are rolling ‘full steam ahead’ with positivism and the midwestern ‘can-do’ attitude.

Social media sites have been flooded with week with positive (and fun) pictures of the WCSD spirit week and hearts for hope. Families continue to be able to get meals for school-aged children three days a week. The Winterset Middle School is helping to fill in the gaps for families who are suffering from loss of income. And teachers at all levels are becoming technology warriors, embracing new ways to reach their students remotely so that learning can continue.

It’s easy to dwell on what will be missed during this pandemic. The list is long and it’s appropriate to grieve those losses, but let’s also take time to focus on the outpouring of community support and all of the new opportunities that are arising during this time—opportunities to try new things, learn new skills, and reprioritize.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of all the good that is happening in our community. Keep reading!

Community Updates

Madison County Bird Scavenger Hunt

Madison County Conservation Board

Now that spring has returned, it’s time to get outside again! The birds are singing away and the Madison County Conservation Board has put together this fun scavenger hunt featuring common Madison County birds. Remember that all of the Madison County parks are still open although restroom facilities and playgrounds are closed and park-goers are asked to maintain social distancing standards.

For a printable version of the scavenger hunt, click on this link!

In case you’re not familiar with some of the ‘lesser known’ of the county parks, here’s a map locating them all. (Click on it for a larger view.) Check out the Madison County Conservation Website for more information about each park.

Registrations are also open for summer programs through the Conservation Board—there are opportunities for children from age three to fifteen. You can find all of the details and get your child signed up online. Email if you have any questions.

How YOU Can Help (and who)

CRISP & Paw Pantry

WCSD students and staff work together at the Paw Pantry each Thursday to serve the Winterset community. (This is an older photo, before wearing masks was recommended by the CDC.)

CRISP has put out a call asking for donations for the Paw Pantry operating out of the Winterset Middle School. The pantry is open every Thursday 3:30-5:30 for curbside pickup. Organizers use your donations to purchase food at cost from a local grocer and assemble food boxes for Madison County families in need. Donations may be sent to CRISP at 210 W. Green St. Please designate Paw Pantry in the memo line.

CRISP is also accepting donations for rent and utility help for clients that will be needed once moratoriums on these are lifted. (Please note designation of funds in memo line). You can also donate food or money to MATURA (Multi Purpose Center).

Husky Helpers

Former WHS Social Studies teacher Tim Mohs and his wife Jacque, are asking for the community’s support to raise $10,000. Here’s what he posted to their GoFundMe page:

My wife Jacque and I have been members of the Winterset community since 1988. Since then, we have grown to love the place that we call home. We love the people, the businesses, the smiles and waves as you walk around the square. It truly is a place like no other.

In this time of economic uncertainty, I know there are people that are looking for ways to help and that many are seeking help. Our goal is to raise $10,000 in the next few weeks, which we will use to buy food items to then be distributed to those in need in Madison County.

I think it is safe to say that we all have faced hardship at some point in our lives. If you are able, I would greatly appreciate any amount that you are able to give in order to lessen the financial strain that many families are facing today. Together, we can get through this. Like I said, our community is one like no other.

If you’d like to join the Husky Helper effort, you can find the GoFundMe page at THIS LINK. As you can see, they’re already getting close to the goal of $10,000!

What’s happening with local businesses

The Madison County Chamber of Commerce continues to be a source of strength for our business community providing support, resources and encouragement to our local business owners and operators. Yesterday they released this video featuring community members offering encouragement to us all!


Groth’s Gardens & Greenhouses

Monday thru Saturday • 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sundays • Noon – 4:00 pm

Groth’s has a few important changes to share about how they are planning to protect the health and safety of their customers and employees while maintaining compliance with state guidelines for business during this time.

  • Social distancing will be observed. With four freestanding, well ventilated greenhouses and additional outdoor display areas there will be plenty of space for safe and comfortable shopping. They will attempt to maintain a limit of 10 people per greenhouse and request that wagons be left on the boardwalk to limit congestion in the greenhouses.
  • Wagon handles will be wiped down and sanitized before and after usage.
  • If you are not feeling 100% healthy, please stay at home for your own well being and the health and safety of others.
  • Curbside pickup in their parking area will be available on a pre-order basis only and be provided Monday – Friday from 9:00 a.m – 5:00 p.m. Orders must be placed the day before pickup by calling 515-462-4445, texting 515-371-0689 or emailing.

Update from the Winterset Public Library

There is a list of online library resources that are included with your Winterset Library card on the front page of their website. Check it out and keep yourself reading!

Latest Information & Guidelines

The CDC now recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community-based transmission (which isn’t Madison County).

CDC also advises the use of simple cloth face coverings to slow the spread of the virus and help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others. Cloth face coverings fashioned from household items or made at home from common materials at low cost can be used as an additional, voluntary public health measure.

However, common mistakes can reduce the effectiveness of wearing a mask. Madison County Health Care System has shared these best practices to get the most protection for yourself and those around you. If you are using a cloth face covering, make sure you are washing it between essential outings using the warmest temperature settings on your washer and dryer.

Remember, avoid rumors and misinformation by going directly to reputable and trustworthy sources for the latest updates and guidelines.

Madison County Public Health
Iowa Department of Public Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Be Well and Thank you for Reading!

Thank you for reading The Winterset Citizen. All community announcements are provided at no charge, courtesy of the following sponsors:

American State Bank
Anchored Walls
Ben Franklin
Blanchard Family Dentistry
Covered Bridge Realty
Farmers & Merchants State Bank
Farm Bureau FS, Scot Clark
Groth’s Gardens & Greenhouses
Homefront Real Estate
The Iowa Theater
Johnson Insurance
John Wayne Birthplace Museum
Lowe Chiropractic Clinic
Madison County Health Care System
Madison County Historical Society
McGowen Hurst Clark Smith
Medicap Pharmacy
Midwest Heritage Bank
Montross Pharmacy
Pine Creek Ltd.
State Farm, Charlotte Speer
Union State Bank
Winterset Ballet & Dance Studio
Winterset Optimist Club
Winterset Parks & Recreation Department

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