Random Acts of Kindness Day

Yesterday I was doing some online research for a project, and learned that Random Acts of Kindness Day is TODAY, February 17th! So, since I’m a big proponent of kindness, I put aside my original plan for this week’s post (it’ll keep ’til next week!) and decided to write about RAK day instead!

I’m actually more fond of the phrase “Intentional” Acts of Kindness, but I won’t split hairs here. Whichever term you use, the point is the same: when we put kindness into the world, we literally, and quite immediately, make the world a better place. However, I know firsthand how easy it is to get caught up in my own life—morning routines, work, after-school routines, dinner, bedtime, etc.—and forget to open my eyes to the many opportunities around me to show kindness to my fellow citizens.

I’m grateful for a reminder to refocus on how I can #MakeKindnessTheNorm (one of the RAK Foundation hashtags). But since I’m also a busy mom of four kids who works full time, I wanted some ideas that I could execute without a lot of advance planning. Thinking there may be others of you in the same boat, I put together a short list: 7 Acts of Kindness that you can do today with no prep work required.

Background & History

Random Acts of Kindness day started in New Zealand but is now celebrated across the globe. The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation website shares this,

We are upholding this annual tradition of celebrating kindness because we know everyone can use more kindness in their lives. Scientific evidence shows us the positive effects of doing kind acts for others as well as receiving or even witnessing kindness. Even the smallest act of kindness can change a life. In 2021, we encourage everyone to Explore the Good and Make Kindness the Norm.


This quote got me thinking of a wonderful video I had seen on YouTube some time back. (You may have seen it, too; it has over 87 million views.) As I was searching for that video, I found this one, and decided to share it instead.

It takes only a small act to start the ripple effect, or to keep it going! However, sometimes we all need a little nudge to get us going in that direction. The web is full of ideas, but I can get distressed when they take take prep-time and advance planning. Sometimes what I really need are ideas that I can execute right now using only the supplies that I have in my desk, purse or car (MacGyver-style!)

So, here are my seven ‘no-prep’ Random Acts of Kindness ideas that you can do right now, today, with no prep-work (even with just a few hours left in the day!)

Seven Ideas for Acts of Kindness

That you can do today with no preparation!

Number One

Heading to Cabin Coffee or The Cellar today? Leave an extra $5 with the cashier to pay for the person behind you.

Number Two

When you’re at the grocery store, or Ben Franklin, pretend like you’re getting a candy bar for yourself and that you can’t decide what you want. Ask the cashier what their favorite is (presumably to help you decide), then buy it for them!

Number Three

Send a Thank You E-card to your child’s teacher(s) or daycare worker. Remember those ‘special’ teachers too, like art, science, PE, music, technology, guidance & library.

Number Four

Email and Thank You message to a member of the City Council, County Supervisors, or School Board. Click on these hyperlinks to find their contact information. (Remember, you don’t have to agree with their every action or policy to still appreciate their service to the community.)

Number Five

Write a compliment to a coworker on a sticky note and post it to their desk or computer monitor.

Number Six

Going out for dinner tonight? Leave an extra-generous tip for your server—even if it wasn’t the best service of your life.

Number Seven

Pass a piece of candy or chocolate to the bank teller. This is a great one to get the kids involved, especially if they’re usually on the receiving end of a sucker from the bank teller. (anybody else’s kids beg to go with you to the bank?!)

I’d love to hear from you in the comments if you have other ideas about quick ‘no-prep’ Acts of Kindness! I know you are all committed to making our community a wonderful place to live and work so I have no doubt that you’ll have wonderful ideas and that you’ll start (keep) spreading kindness right away.

If you’re inclined to spread a little kindness toward me and The Winterset Citizen, I invite you to share this post with a few friends and ask them to consider subscribing. A quick word from you is a thousand percent more meaningful than anything I can say or do!

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American State Bank
Anchored Walls
Ben Franklin
Blanchard Family Dentistry
Covered Bridge Realty
Farmers & Merchants State Bank
Homefront Real Estate
The Iowa Theater
John Wayne Birthplace Museum
Lowe Chiropractic Clinic
Madison County Health Care System
Madison County Historical Society
McGowen Hurst Clark Smith
Medicap Pharmacy
Midwest Heritage Bank
Montross Pharmacy
State Farm, Charlotte Speer
Union State Bank
Winterset Ballet & Dance Studio
Winterset Optimist Club
Winterset Parks & Recreation Department