The Winterset Citizen, December 17, 2020


Lights, Christmas, Action • Live Action Window Displays

Thursday • 12/17 • 5:00 – 7:00pm
Winterset Downtown Shopping District

Tonight’s “Lights, Christmas, Action” Live Window Display event is awesome for two reasons…it’s super fun to walk the square at night when it’s dressed in its finest for the holiday season AND it’s a great chance to do some local shopping if you have a hard time getting it in during daytime business hours.

So, bundle up and stroll the sidewalks tonight, see the creative live-action window displays, and cross a few more items off of your shopping list!

This Weekend

A Christmas Story

Saturday • 12/19 • 7:00pm
The Iowa Theater

Based on the humorous writings of author Jean Shepherd, this beloved holiday movie follows the wintry exploits of youngster Ralphie Parker (Peter Billingsley), who spends most of his time dodging a bully (Zack Ward) and dreaming of his ideal Christmas gift, a “Red Ryder air rifle.” Frequently at odds with his cranky dad (Darren McGavin) but comforted by his doting mother (Melinda Dillon), Ralphie struggles to make it to Christmas Day with his glasses and his hopes intact. Rated PG: 1hr, 34min

Holiday Lights on the Hill

Every Night starting at 5pm
Madison County Historical Complex
815 S 2nd Ave, Winterset

Next time you have an evening where you just need to get out of the house for a few minutes, load up in the car and a take a drive to the Madison County Historical Complex to enjoy the outdoor lighted displays. It’s free although donations of appreciation can be left in the mailbox on your way out.

Coming Soon

Living Nativity Experience

Monday • December 21 • 6:00 – 8:00pm
Tuesday • December 22 • 6:00 – 8:00pm
Winterset First United Methodist Church at the Madison County Historical Complex

The Living Nativity Experience is a twenty-nine year tradition hosted each year by the Winterset First United Methodist Church in the days leading up to Christmas.

Follow the star to the Madison County Historical Museum Complex, where you’ll be greeted by the inn keeper, escorted by the shepherds, serenaded by the angels, and have the opportunity to observe the holy family and the baby Jesus. There is no admission charge and all are welcome.

This year there will be a few changes as a result of COVID precautions. When you arrive, you will be given a number and then wait in your vehicle until it is your family’s turn to go through the experience so that only one family unit is going through the experience at a time.

Welcome to Town!

The Drift

Located on the West Side of the Square

My husband and I snuck away for a few minutes last Saturday afternoon to visit Winterset’s newest establishment, The Drift. The Drift is a taproom featuring craft beers, wine, cocktails and simple food. We thoroughly enjoyed our time there and are happy to have this new establishment in Winterset!

If you’re thinking you’d like to go visit yourself, you’ll have to wait just a bit though. Due to a possible COVID exposure, and as a precautionary measure, they are going to be closed for the next 2 weeks and do the necessary cleaning and sanitizing. They will be excited to see you, though, for their official opening on December 30th.

Be Well and Thank You for reading

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Thank you for reading The Winterset Citizen. All community announcements are provided at no charge, courtesy of the following sponsors:

American State Bank
Anchored Walls
Ben Franklin
Blanchard Family Dentistry
Covered Bridge Realty
Farmers & Merchants State Bank
Homefront Real Estate
The Iowa Theater
Johnson Insurance
John Wayne Birthplace Museum
Lowe Chiropractic Clinic
Madison County Health Care System
Madison County Historical Society
McGowen Hurst Clark Smith
Medicap Pharmacy
Midwest Heritage Bank
Montross Pharmacy
State Farm, Charlotte Speer
Union State Bank
Winterset Ballet & Dance Studio
Winterset Optimist Club
Winterset Parks & Recreation Department

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